2011年2月9日 星期三


Hal A Huggins, DDS MS

5082 List Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80919


Dear Doctors of the Alliance :

In evaluating the success of the Alliance Progarm over the past several years, I am seeing a pattern of successes, as well as something I do not like. I like hearing the successes, but they are not always showing the success that I know is possible.

Sometimes there are outright failures, as in developing diseases they did not have prior to dental revision. The failure patients call me and criticize me because they are not seeing improvements that they anticipated as suggested in my books. I am getting the blame for their spending big bucks for dental replacements, and receiving not much improvement in return. I asked them a few questions.


It did not take much research to discover there were potential reasons why this was happening. Most failure patients were still eating fish. None were taking supplements as prescribed in the Assist Report. Why? Because they did not have an Assist Report. Just removing the cause of a program. Putting out the fire does not rebuild the house. It did not take much searching to find that over 70% of our Alliance acceptees of referrals are doing next to nothing to restore the patient’s ability to recover. For instance, one dentist I asked said, “Sure, I give them the whole body chemistry program while I’m waiting for the anesthetic to take effect.” That doesn’t satisfy my equation. Was he using general anesthetic ?  I spend 18 hours on chemistries that search for their Ancestral Diet with there people.


I do not expect that from you, but I do suggest that you at least let the patient read the 120 page interpretation of chemistries as a guide for reconstructive nutrition for themselves. That should be adequate to assist the symptom ridden mercury toxic patient. Another patient was told to come in for a fluoride treatment and discussion on non-toxic dentistry.


We tell people who call us for referrals that you will follow my protocol.  True,most use the rubber dam, sequential removal, some adhere to the 7-14-21 day appointment scheduling, many use a negative ion generator, but few ever look at chemistry.


I have been told by the people we refer that over half of our referral dentists have brochures describing the benefits of implants and root canals in their reception rooms. How does that make a potential patient feel?  They ask me why I referred them to people who are still causing the problems they are there to have corrected.  How would you respond to that question?

Especially if they have read my books and the TERF web site that details the hazards of these procedures.


They ask me if these dentists are really interested in providing a health service, or just want money?  Which is their passion?

When the receptionist on your telephone does not have the first clue as to the meaning of mercury toxicity, bacterial invasion from root canals, the Assist Report, what a cavitation is, or why body chemistry is important for healing, they telephone another referral dentist, and you will never know they even called. It takes a team to create success in this very important (to me ) field of dental toxicity and its relation to “incurable diseases”.


I have several choices. I could drop the whole program and cry myself to sleep every night.  I could develop a program to train select personnel in your office as to what the Assist Program is, and why it is necessary for healing. I understand that you probably do not have the time to do this yourself even though you have been trained.  Books, like, It’s All in Your Head, Solving the Ms Mystery, and Uninformed Consent help educate, but, again, they take time and a reason to read them.


I also resent, in a select few cases, as heard from people I have referred to you, having your personnel tell them that I am too old to understand modern dentistry, and they can save the patient a lot of money by eliminating the chemistry part and doing “sterile” root canals instead of painful extractions and expensive bridges. DNA testing is about as modern as things get today, and we are linking root canal and cavitation microbes with specific diseases. Based on that information, we are developing a new and quite surprising treatment technique to be presented as soon as we have adequate evidence.


DNA provides us with positive proof that no root canal is sterile, or even close to it. We know that the canal itself is not the problem area. It matters not what you embalm the tooth with, it is still dead, and treated as such by the immune system. From my training in immunology at the University of Colorado, I was told that the purpose of the immune system is to rid the body of dead things by creating an inflammatory event surrounding it, and potentially either dissolving or exfoliating the foreign object. Dead, or root canal teeth no longer display the major histocompatibility complex proving their identity as “self” to the immune system.


Yes, there are unreachable bacteria in the dentinal tubules (despite claims to the contrary), there even move bacteria in the periodontal ligament (impossible to reach), and recently, we have determined that there are fat more bacteria in the bone immediately adjacent to the root canal tooth.  Try to reach that enclave of residence for pathogens.


If you are interested in continuing to accept referrals on the basis of sharing the knowledge I have taught you with your patients, I suggest that you either team with an MD, DO or Naturopath to handle body chemistry and recovery, or train someone in your office to handle these duties. We can provide this training if necessary.


Until that time, I will honor referrals to those still on the referral list (renewals have not been accepted for several months). I feel obligated to inform the patients of conditions we have noted, and assure them that they have the right to ask questions.


Please let me know by letter or e-mail by 30 June of your comments about my stance. Please e-mail ”Jamie@DrHuggins.com with your comments and suggestions.


Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS

